Māori Mental Health and Addictions Alert Level 3 COVID-19 Special Update

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Māori Mental Health and Addictions Alert Level 3 COVID-19 Special Update

Friday 14 August, 2020 | News

Auckland moved to Alert Level 3 at 12 noon on Wednesday 12 August.

The rest of New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2.

If you have any concerns or queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our Tātaihono team by emailing philippa.gillies@hapai.co.nz or janell.dymus@hapai.co.nz

Update from MOH

Pandemic plan

“I know you will all be relooking at your pandemic plan and ensuring you are working at the right alert level for your organisation.  Please make sure you and your team are still familiar with all the basic hygiene measures and communicating to people you are providing services to what the alert measures mean in terms of physical distancing, visiting and hygiene precautions that need to be taken.  

Keep a 2-metre physical distance and wear a mask when in public when you can’t distance.

Stay home if you’re sick, wash your hands, cough or sneeze into your elbow, clean surfaces

If you are sick call your GP or Healthline to book a free COVID-19 test and get tested if asked

Keep a record of where you have been, use NZ COVID app.”


“We know there will be questions about the use of PPE. There will be more information provided as soon as possible about when PPE is required under alert level 2.  In the first instance, please contact your local DHB regarding supply.  We will also be working closely with DHBs to ensure they are communicating with you what the requirements are and what the arrangements are for ordering. 

I know that there will be concerns about access to PPE, however, we want to assure you we are in a different position now from where we were during the first wave. We are well stocked with PPE, as are the DHBs, there is a distribution model in place that can be scaled and if there are issues the MOH has a team in place to resolve these quickly.”

Online mental health and wellbeing resources

“A summary of online mental health and wellbeing resources is here, please share this widely.  You can also get information on tools, resources and help available from the Ministry of Health website.”