Connection through kōrero

Supporting Māori mental health and addiction providers plan, coordinate and deliver psychosocial interventions

Ministry of Health Strategy

Follow the Ministry of Health’s strategy to support Māori mental health and addiction services

He Ara Oranga Report

Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction

About Tātaihono

Tātaihono and our role supporting psychosocial responses to COVID-19

Stay in the loop

Te Mahau Interview with Tsehai-Marie Karauna

Te Mahau Interview with Tsehai-Marie Karauna

In this issue of Te Mahau, we connected with Tsehai-Marie Karauna, a member of Te Whānau Āpanui Kapa Haka roopu who took out the top award at Matatini 2023. We asked about her experiences being back on the Matatini stage and how this contributed to her mental...

Tataihono Te Mahau – Jase Te Patu

Tataihono Te Mahau – Jase Te Patu

In this issue of Te Mahau, we spoke to Jase Te Patu (Ngāti Apa) Founder and CEO of M3 Mindfulness, a wellness programme that utilises the power of Māori pūrākau and whakataukī to share mindfulness and movement with school communities. Kō wai koe? Nō hea koe? Tēnā koe,...

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